Cuilcagh Mountain Trail
+44 7540418223

Fermanagh Local Attractions – Cuilcagh Mountain Trail

Fermanagh Local Attractions – Cuilcagh Mountain Trail

Forming part of the 33-km long Cuilcagh Waymarked Way walking route encompassing Cuilcagh Mountain and surrounding townlands & landscapes, the Cuilcagh Mountain Trail takes visitors from Legnabrocky car park (approximately 1 km from the Marble Arch Caves road entrance and 30 miles from Dulrush Lodge) to the summit of Cuilcagh Mountain.

Cuilcagh Mountain Trail

Covering a distance of 7.4 km and a total ascent of 550 m, the trail takes walkers along varying terrain including boardwalks, gravel tracks and exposed mountain paths. Graded as difficult and subsequently most suitable for walkers with at least some mountain walking experience, the trail is best navigated with the help of OSNI or OSNI Discover Series map 1:50,000 Sheet 26, which is available from most visitor centres and shops.

As weather conditions can change quickly and dramatically, we highly recommend equipping yourself with all the necessities for mountain walking, including a map, compass and first aid kit; spare and waterproof clothing/boots; food, drink and, of course, a mobile phone and spare batteries.

We also recommend letting someone know where you are going and when you expect to return (the trail takes an average of 6 hours to complete). In case of emergencies, use your mobile to dial 999 or 101 & ask for mountain rescue.
